
Build Your Audience

by Mar 4, 2020

Build Your Audience

5 Ways to Regularly Build Your Audience

  1. Regularly add compelling content. Weekly is ideal and targeting your Niche Market is best practice.  You’ll be more successful and connect with your followers if you create content they want to consume and be inspired from.
  2. Nurture and grow your audience. You must respond to comments, create an email list and market on social media to grow your audience. 
  3. Become a Storyteller. Relating to your past experiences through stories will get your followers to know, like and trust you. Video also helps with this and is easy to do.
  4. Strategically attract readers. Understand Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) and be sure to optimize all your content including blog posts, social media, and video.
  5. Consider running Social Media Ads to gain more followers. This is an especially good strategy if you have a group on Facebook, or a membership that you are wanting to grow.

Where to Start With Content Creation


Content Creation



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